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Property Pending – Code Not Assigned

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Address: Property Pending - Code Not Assigned
Zip: 47167
Property Id : 2395
CMS Info:{"M": "H123_C7D47C", "S": "IL", "E": 236, "K": "Salem, "}
List Date: 2018-07-16
Stories: 0
Yeart Built: 0.0
MLS#: H123_C7D47C
CMS Info: {"M": "H123_C7D47C", "S": "IL", "E": 236, "K": "Salem, "}
Partner Info: {"status": "PENDING", "partner_disclaimer": "", "partner_logo": "", "partner_email": "[email protected]", "partner_bio": "", "partner_link_id": 1787, "partner_last_name": "Troutman", "partner_image": "", "partner_phone": "", "partner_brokerage_name": "", "wp_post_id": "", "partner_first_name": "Kayla"}
Real Estate Agent Details

Kayla Troutman (Pending)

{"status": "PENDING", "partner_disclaimer": "", "partner_logo": "", "partner_email": "[email protected]", "partner_bio": "", "partner_link_id": 1787, "partner_last_name": "Troutman", "partner_image": "", "partner_phone": "", "partner_brokerage_name": "", "wp_post_id": "", "partner_first_name": "Kayla"}
Inspector Details

Certainty Home Inspections is dedicated to improving the industry standard because we believe all clients and agents deserve high quality, stress free home inspections. We encourage a learning environment where we can constantly improve our services through helpful feedback and innovative advancements. We are always at your service!


The Pre Sale Inspection performed was for the benefit of the Seller of the property and the Home Inspector does not guarantee or warranty the condition of the house after the inspection was performed. Purchasing the attached home inspection report is a way to learn more about the house prior to making an offer on the house, and the report must not be relied upon as the sole home buying decision. The Home Inspector has no legal liability to any Prospective Buyer and it is strongly recommended all Prospective Buyers get a new home inspection performed by a Home Inspector of their choosing.

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